
Payment procedures
Payment should be made directly to the School by wire transfer to:
Deutsche Bank Napoli Sportello “D” Istituto Cife Srl Account no. 085075
SWIFT DEUTITM1494 ABI 03104 CAB 03403 IBANIT77X03104034030000000850 75.
All banks charges are in charge of the student. Other forms of payment will not be considered valid.

When to pay fees
Students must pay the enrolment fee immediately upon receiving notice of acceptance in order to reserve the place and get the enrolment certificate. The tuition fee should be paid at least 40 days before the start of the course.

Refund of fees
The enrollment fee and the tuition fee will be refunded only for Visa refusal (official written refusal) except for 200 euro which will be retained for administrative expense.